If you have fallen for the pink eyeshadow trend and even managed to find the perfect shade for your skin tone and eye color, now is the time to browse some inspirational pink eyeshadow looks to nail it in real life. Below, we give you some key tips to wearing the most gorgeous pink eye makeup looks.
- Pink is the quintessential lid color because it is usually around the same level of darkness as the skin tone – a few shades darker or a few shades lighter at the most. It pairs nicely with many other colors, so you can really experiment with the darker colors that you put in the crease or in the outer corner of the eyes.
- Sometimes matching the undertone of your eyeshadow to your cheek and lip is important, and other times it’s not. One pairing where the undertone is very important is of pink eyeshadow and red lipstick. If the pink eyeshadow is cool the red lip should be cool-toned as well, while if the pink is a littler peachier then the red lipstick should be an orange-based one.
- Some pinks can take on a bit of a reddish look with certain skin tones, which in turn can make the eye look sickly. By blending in a cooler eyeshadow like a mauve or a purple you can move the whole look over to a cooler place. You can also apply a beige eyeliner to brighten the eye as a whole.
- Pink shadows that are a bit lighter than your skin tone can work beautifully as highlighters or as blushes! Don’t be afraid to experiment with your pink eyeshadow beyond its intended use, because it’ll give you two or three products in one!
- If you’re wanting a romantic look, apply a wash of pink eyeshadow to your lid, a hint of taupe in the crease, and a swipe of black liquid liner. Paint your cheeks and lips an equally rosy shade (or maybe even use the same shadow), and keep the rest of your skin clean, soft and fresh. Voila, the perfect Valentine’s day or spring date makeup!
- Incorporating a pink eyeshadow into your smokey eye can make your eye makeup look much more interesting and complex. Choose a medium-toned pink eyeshadow rather than a super light one, and use it on the perimeter of your smokey eye to turn the smokey blended edge into a pinky blended edge.
- Another edgy option is to choose a neon pink eyeshadow, and apply it with a damp eyeliner brush either on the lower or upper lash line. This will give you a super bright pop of color, and it’s a look that is guaranteed to be very trendy in the coming fall.
- Browse the #pinkeyeshadow tag on Instagram to see what some of the super creative folks on the Internet are doing and to get inspired!

Photos via @nikki_makeup, Instagram